Create a tablet starzmart computer market demand, the product design is uniqueAs a tablet computer, the first brand category iPad with its aesthetic unique design, and plenty of software applications for consumer has brought an unprecedented concise and practical and humanized use feeling, to consumer psychology accurately and excellence of industrial design has Google Android Tablet given video baby monitors it a lot of loyal users, in tablet computer market firmly occupied the biggest market share. mainstream manufacturer has not yet large-scale marketBecause lenovo, dell and acer, asus, MOTOROLA in major manufacturers of tablet computer yet mass to enter the Chinese market, consumers in the tablet computer on the market is not much, so the choice of both advantages, brand price iPad is still a lot of consumer choice. Owing to the X86 framework processor

in power and size can't completely meet the tablet computer and portability of low power consumption requirements of the Chinese market at present, therefore, the tablet computer processors are used by different chip basic manufacturer ARM architecture processors. FREESCALE, Fujitsu, IBM, nintendo, NVIDIA, samsung electronics, SHARP, Texas instruments, etc many of these companies have different forms of ARM authorized. But as a rule PC best ebook reader domain decades of chip giant Intel does not give up mobile Internet this big piece of cake. April 12, Intel officially launched the processor based on the X86 architecture OakTrail. The Intel OakTrail, launched a new generation is Intel Atom tablet computer dedicated application processor, using a 1.5 GHz single core PowerVRSGX535 image processors, emphasize the collocation of highly efficient and high energy saving. OakTrail compatible Honeycomb and Android3.0 Windows7

operating system, at the same time support VC1, h.264, HDMI, MPEG1080p hard solutions and the characteristics of low power consumption and possess, officials announced for tablet pc eight hours battery life time. This also is Intel's first launched used in tablet PC, and dedicated processor also marks the X86 framework is coming into portable device field. Hope Intel join can make tablet computer markets more prosperity, also give consumers more better choice.